
Hustle culture ruined my sophomore year

todayDecember 6, 2022 27

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Hustle Culture Sucks

My sophomore year demonstrates it perfectly, here is a quick glance;

check 17 credit hours

check two part-time jobs

check an internship

check an industry job

 OH, and regular life things just thinking about that now gives me a headache.

So a little background about me, I am a journalism and broadcasting major with a minor in art. I am a very stubborn person and I always want to accomplish everything. 

 As I was figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, I added Sports Media and Communication at the beginning of the year. So, by adding a new major I filled my credit hours to the max that my scholarship would pay for, and decided I could handle it. *Spoiler* at the beginning of my junior year I switched my sports media major to broadcasting.

School started out not too tough but every semester starts off that way so in my mind I thought I could handle another job because why not I needed extra money. So for the most part on days I worked, I would open one job at five am get off, go to class, then close at my other job. I thought that if I wasn’t doing something I deemed productive like class or work I was wasting my time. Cutting a lot of time I should have been relaxing and enjoying college life with grinding out my work. 

At this point, I was getting a little stressed taking on more and more responsibilities at work, but I really wanted to do more. I still thought I could fit more on my plate because I needed to do something to get started with my career. My best friend got me started with an internship, so I moved everything around to work extra hard staying up till early morning to make sure everything for my internship was perfect.

Closing off most of my mornings for one job and switching back and forth each night whether I go to my second job or work on my internship then squeezing in school all in the middle. I still had part of my weekends for myself, then the company I interned for asked if I would want to help with a big project. So I’d get paid decent money, and gain a bunch of experience. All I had to do is give up my weekends to work on it.

I obviously gave those up to have the job because gaining this was way more important to me at the time than anything else. At this point, I didn’t know what a break was from working late the night and working bright and early. 

I didn’t know what relaxing was, and I barely knew what sleeping was. If you are ever wondering was extreme lack of sleep does to a person it is not pretty.

Overall my sophomore year was packed full of experience and great things, but honestly still don’t know how I did all that. I think doing all that has made me not do as much during my junior year all I want to do is relax. Maybe I earn it after my packed full sophomore year.

Written by: Cait Pieters

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