
Don’t Be Ugly

todayDecember 5, 2022 26 5

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A teenage girl holding a picture frame

If you were sent this, it’s probably because you’re ugly.

I’ll explain why you shouldn’t be.

The Summer of 2020, I lost over 90 lbs and was under 200 lbs for the first time in my life. I didn’t know it at the time, but this would lead to a drastic change in the way people treated me. I was no longer overweight and with my new image I was considered attractive. I wasn’t ugly and wasn’t treated that way. Being seen as ugly means you are repulsive, unattractive, displeasing to the eye. Interesting enough, what is seen as ugly to most people usually stems from racism, fat-phobia, colorism, and ableism. Though an important conversation to have, we will have to save it for another day.

Most don’t care to hear about the mistreatment of those who are viewed as ugly or to hear from them at all. Being labeled as ugly, I was unworthy. Unworthy of respect, acknowledgement, and unworthy of my existence. I was ignored and treated as though I was not a human being. Losing weight people made eye contact with me and spoke directly  to me.I was greeted with smiles everywhere I went. People complimented me….and meant it! I felt like I was starring in an episode of The Twilight Zone. Yet, I was just being made aware of the contrasting experience of being looked at as ugly or attractive.

I used to feel embarrassed that I didn’t lose weight or alter my appearance before. I thought I was always 90 lbs, fake lashes, and a cute outfit away from being treated as a human being. However, that’s not true because there was nothing wrong with me to begin with. It was those who believed that, because I didn’t fit into their silhouette of beauty I was not worthy of their respect and acknowledgement. I shouldn’t have had to lose weight or change my appearance to have been viewed as a human being. No one should. The true ugly people are those that treat others differently based on their appearance. They’re the ones that are repulsive, gruesome, and displeasing and it’s on the inside. Which is far more important than what is on the outside.So yeah, if you read this it is probably because you’re ugly. Don’t be ugly. Reevaluate how you treat people and work on not being shallow because no one deserves to be disrespected based on how they look.

Written by: Somer Young

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