

with Elise St Clair

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Saturday 11:00 am trending_flat 11:20 am
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    unEARTH Ep. 1: Celebrity Private Jets

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    unEARTH Ep. 2: Overconsumption

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    unEARTH Ep. 3: Ocean Plastic

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    unEARTH Ep. 4: What is an Environmentalist? + Bees

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    unEARTH Ep. 5: Should Nature Have Rights?


unEARTH is a radio show devoted to simplifying environmental news for the everyday person. I started this radio show to talk about the environment in a simple and solution-focused way. As a journalism student, I understand that the news can be difficult to read, particularly stories centered around climate and the environment. Many shy away from the news because its barrage of depressing stories negatively impacts mental health. But my goal is to destigmatize environmental news. I aim to present it in a manner that will engage the public rather than push people away. Because I understand eco-anxiety, I hope I can dispel it on a small scale one topic at a time.

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