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The Circle Shrinks

Many people have told me that once you hit college your inner circle gets smaller. I didn’t believe them … how could it get smaller than it already was? Recently I’ve found they may have been correct. In the summer before my freshman year I had multiple groups that I regularly hung out with. Some were more of a shut in introverted type, one that consisted of party animals, and […]

todayDecember 7, 2022 17

Public Inspection File

For help in accessing or navigating the FCC’s Public Inspection File website, call the Commission’s toll-free Customer Service number, 1-877-480-3201 or 1-717-338-2824 (TTY). For information or assistance regarding KRNU’s public inspection files on that site, or for general information about the station, contact the station’s general manager at (402) 472-3054, or via email at [email protected].
