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Sophomore Slump

Too Much on Your Plate

“Always say ‘yes’ to any opportunity you get.” “You miss all the shots you don’t take.” “Go through the door before it closes.” That advice has been plastered everywhere: from my parents to career advice conferences to that motivational poster with the cat saying “hang in there.” It is a mentality I have adopted and have thrived because of it. Letting my curiosity take me for a joyride and step […]

todayDecember 7, 2022 9

Public Inspection File

For help in accessing or navigating the FCC’s Public Inspection File website, call the Commission’s toll-free Customer Service number, 1-877-480-3201 or 1-717-338-2824 (TTY). For information or assistance regarding KRNU’s public inspection files on that site, or for general information about the station, contact the station’s general manager at (402) 472-3054, or via email at [email protected].
