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From National Qualifiers to Rock Bottom

From National Qualifiers to Rock Bottom As we stepped off the bus, the ACHA national tournament was everything I imagined it would be. Fans greeted us on our way into the rink, there was branded gear everywhere, there were team pictures and press conferences.We entered the tournament as the 10 seed out of 16. There were four pools, each pool had four teams. Our pool was Dartmouth, Hope and South […]

todayDecember 4, 2022 27

Public Inspection File

For help in accessing or navigating the FCC’s Public Inspection File website, call the Commission’s toll-free Customer Service number, 1-877-480-3201 or 1-717-338-2824 (TTY). For information or assistance regarding KRNU’s public inspection files on that site, or for general information about the station, contact the station’s general manager at (402) 472-3054, or via email at [email protected].
